日本:Shokei Gakuin University, Den-en Chofu University, University of Kochi
印尼:Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
越南:FPT Unversity
Shokei Gakuin University, Japan
參與學生:Kayano Kimura, Miu Shimoyama, Momoka Sugai,Shinnosuke Sasaki, Yui Horigome
Thank you very much for hosting the program. It was a valuable experience. I was a little worried about online participation before the program start, but your kind support made me feel relieved and I really enjoyed the program. It was a great experience for me to learn and communicate with people of HKU and other participants. I was looking for the next program every day and now I really miss it. I will definitely visit Taiwan after Covid-19 pandemic. Until then, I will keep studying Chinese. Thank you very much again for your kind support!
University of Kochi, Japan
參與學生:Haruka Nakazawa, Yuka Miyaji, Kaede Osaki, Momoko Ishikawa, Haruka Hagino, Moe Fujiwara
I was happy to be able to interact with people from various countries and had a valuable experience. I was grateful for the treatment we received and the opportunity that they offered to each student from different universities and different countries. I also want to thank you for welcoming the foreigners in such a warm way and this program will always be a nice memory. Thank you so much for these 2 weeks. I was also happy with the gifts such as T-shirt. Thank you, I will cherish it.
Den-en Chofu University, Japan
參與學生:Ikuaya Ozawa, Anya Takahashi, Nozomi Matsubara, Kota Saito, Miri Asai
FPT University, Vietnam
參與學生:Vu Phuc Anh Duong, Le Nguyen Anh Thy, Le Nguyen Phuong Linh, Duong Le Tu Uyen, Truong Cong Thach, Tang Ngoc My, Le Huy Hoang, Nguyen Le Phuong Ha, Nguyen Thi Long Van
I was a bit nervous and shy to say last time. I would like to send my big big thank to all of our teachers, organizers and Hungkuang buddies.I’ve learned teamwork skills, communication skills, leadership, etc. I had joyful moments and beautiful friendship. I hope I can join this event on Hungkuang campus next year! Once again thank you all very much!!
University Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
參與學生:Rida Alifia, Ukhti Aura Shiba, Fia Hana Febiola, Dimas Ompu Berlian, Auryza Nur Fadhilah, Rahma Cahyaningrum
I not only learned the whole series of language lessons and activity that Hungkuang University created but also I interacted with Hungkuang buddies and other people. I learned it by watching, writing, observing and communicating. In addiditon, this program taught me many things that made me excited to do it. I wish I could join this program on-campus but I can't due to this pandemic.
Tamkang University, Taiwan
參與學生Fukuta Rino, Erika Angel Yu
I really would like to say thank you to those who involved this program. I was really touched how careful and energetic the were. I like unique classes we had in the afternoon which we could feel professional of your school. And I like the passion of buddies who were always being cheerful and helpful. I had so much fun during these 2 weeks and thank you again for making my summer vacation special and memorable.
National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
參與學生:Sharon Ivonne Moreno Martinez, Leyla Guillen Pauyac, Yadav Ramesh Lalmani
It was an excellent program. I really enjoyed it, it was very interesting and it was a good way to meet friends, learn Chinese and know more about Taiwan. Thank you for the souvenirs and T-shirt that your school sent to me. Even that we could only meet online but still I felt warmth from all the faculties and buddies! Thank you so much and I will join this program again next year if I have the opportunity!
2021 年的 Summer Program 是我第二次參與,擔任國際學生學伴的角色!非常謝謝 Peyton 學姊的邀請,讓原本有念頭想參與但顧慮到疫情關係,打消參加的慾望。也謝謝當時我的願意,讓我的大二暑假過得非常的充實且有價值! 8/2-8/16 短短 15 天的活動,足以讓我的暑假非常的精彩 ~~
由於第二次參與,感受特別不一樣體驗了兩次截然不同的上課方式以及和外國朋友的互動,我也更加主動且不害怕。上課方式 -- 去年只有實體上課。今年因為疫情,變換上課方式。有實體以外還有線上來進行 15 天的活動
還記得,在有一天 Free day 的時候,和外國朋友一起去台中吃美食以及景點遊玩,帶外國朋友去台中早期相當重要的民生物品集散市集“第二市場”,讓他們體驗台灣的小吃「爌肉飯」、台中美食「麻薏湯」。我們還去了台灣第一座科學博物館「自然科學博物館」看看台灣的科學發展、地球環境、人類文化。在參觀的過程中,也讓我有些感觸,覺得真的可以定期的去博物館或者美術館參觀,真的很值得。畢竟自從小時候的戶外教學會來參訪,到了國中高中,就真的沒有來博物館參觀。至今,難以忘懷當天的充實的行程和開心的心情。
其實,能夠參與今年2021年的 Summer Program,我覺得我非常榮幸也很幸運。畢竟在疫情期間,舉辦營隊課程相對困難,要調整的事項非常的多,這是我們無法看見與體會的,非常非常非常感謝國際處在今年排除萬難,將「第 7 屆跨國混班」舉辦的非常順利,不僅是課程的安排以及戶外教學,我都收穫滿滿。不只是和來自各地的外國朋友,有了友誼的關係,也讓我們有這個難能可貴的機會和他們相處,進而了解他們的文化以及了解外國朋友喜歡台灣什麼景點與食物。最重要的是,可以和他們用的「英語」對話,讓我可以不害怕與外國人說話。這是我覺得第二次參與跨國混班的成長與改變。
我非常的期望,在明年有更多弘光各科系的學生能夠踴躍參與 Summer Program。把握和國外學生交流的機會!如果你想.... 和外國朋友交流、練習說英文、增加國際觀等等,我非常推薦你,明年 2022 年可以來報名參加每年暑假舉辦一次的Summer Program(跨國混班), 增添大學不同的色彩,我相信這必定是大家的美好回憶!